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BollKlubben Olympic
Malmö 1920

Välkomna till BK Olympic U17
2024-10-23 16:29

BK Olympic U17 är ett av Sveriges främsta ungdomslag. År 2024 vann laget nationella division 1, skånska distriktsmästerskapet och Skåneserien B. 


Laget representerar klubbens framtid och består av talangfulla spelare som alla delar en passion för fotboll. Med stort engagemang arbetar vi tillsammans för att nå nya höjder varje säsong.


Under ledning av våra erfarna tränare, Esbjörn Berghult och Dante Portic, strävar vi efter att utveckla varje spelares individuella färdigheter samtidigt som vi bygger en stark och sammanhållen laganda.


Vi tror på att spela en offensiv och attraktiv fotboll där varje spelare får möjlighet att utvecklas och bidra till lagets framgång. Genom professionell träning och taktisk förberedelse skapar vi en miljö där spelarna kan nå sin fulla potential både på och utanför planen


English version: 


BK Olympic boys 17 is one of Swedens top youth teams. In 2024, the team won the Swedish Division 1 and the Skåne District Championships.


The team represents the future of the club and consists of talented players who all share a passion for football. With great commitment, we work together to reach new heights every season.


Led by our experienced coaches, Esbjörn Berghult and Dante Portic, we strive to develop each players individual skills while building a strong and cohesive team spirit.


We believe in playing an offensive and attractive football where every player has the opportunity to develop and contribute to the teams success. Through professional training and tactical preparation, we create an environment where players can reach their full potential both on and off the pitch.

Olympics nyaste lag - U16
2023-11-08 23:00

Get to know the Olympics newest team - U15!


We spoke to coaches Esbjörn and Dante who had the following to say about the new team:


Esbjörn, you are one of the coaches for the new U15 team, how come you took the job?

Because I see that the players can develop in a better and more elite environment.


You have managed to have some training together, how does it feel?

Everything feels as it should. The group is starting to feel at home and we have a good pace and a positive feeling.


A strong team chemistry can decide matches. How will you work on strengthening the bonds between the players for the coming season?

We work in detail with team spirit in various exercises. We have talked about   team building when the squad is set but we want to do it close to the start of the season.


What kind of football will we see our new U15 team play?

Very offensive football, we work a lot on how to get forward and through our opponents. We trust each other so it will be really exciting.


You play your first match on 26/11 against FC Trelleborg, do you have any specific goals for that match?

Yes we have, we are working with two different patterns that we need to get in that will be in the game. One in the build-up and one in our pressing game.

What it is we keep to ourselves.


The club looks forward to following your journey! 💛💚